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TCFD Report

We are supporting sustainable growth of our communities.

  • The cover of 2022 TCFD Report on Climate Change Response
    KB Financial Group

    2022 TCFD Report

    Since becoming a supporter of TCFD, KB Financial Group has been faithfully implementing the TCFD recommendations.

    We are committed to helping combat climate change crisis and support transition toward Net-Zero economy. We will fulfill ours and responsibilities as a leading financial group and reinforce our climate change response and management framework.

    The cover of 2021 TCFD Report on Climate Change Response
    KB Financial Group

    2021 TCFD Report

    Since becoming a supporter of TCFD, KB Financial Group has been faithfully implementing the TCFD recommendations.

    We are committed to helping combat climate change crisis and support transition toward Net-Zero economy. We will fulfill ours and responsibilities as a leading financial group and reinforce our climate change response and management framework.

    The cover of 2020 TCFD Report on Climate Change Response
    KB Financial Group

    2020 TCFD Report

    Since becoming a supporter of TCFD, KB Financial Group has been faithfully implementing the TCFD recommendations.

    We are committed to helping combat climate change crisis and support transition toward Net-Zero economy. We will fulfill ours and responsibilities as a leading financial group and reinforce our climate change response and management framework.

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