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They are the main characters of KB Financial Group.


STAR FRIENDS is KB Financial Group's brand mascots, connecting closely with customers through advertisement and media.

Five representative characters of KB Financial Group, ‘Star Friends,’ are standing together Five representative characters of KB Financial Group, ‘Star Friends,’ are standing together

Each of STAR FRIENDS came to the Earth from different stars in outer space in search of their dreams. They support and cheer up each other to make their dreams come true.

Character Story

KiKi, A.GO, B.B, Lamu, and Kolly, each on a journey in outer space searching for their dreams, meet each other by chance on the Earth. Even though they look, act and think differently, they became close friends as they share their dreams and inspire each other to make their dreams come true. Five friends decided to settle down on the Earth, embarking on their journey towards dreams. Find something new and fun every day with STAR FRIENDS! Their journey towards dreams continues.

Who are they?


Enthusiastic and Energetic Rabbit

Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘kiKi’ Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘kiKi’

KiKi is an enthusiastic and energetic leader of STAR FRIENDS who came from Lunar Star located behind the Moon and invisible from the Earth. KiKi’s enthusiastic and straightforward character earns her popularity among friends.


Whimsical Ugly Duck

Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘A.GO’ Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘A.GO’

A.GO is a whimsical ugly duck from the fourth satellite of the Little Prince’s asteroid. He dreams of becoming a superhero and is full of crazy but challenging spirit. His curiosity gets him into trouble all the time, but he is adored and loved by everyone.


Sweet Bear Full of Love

Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘B.B.’ Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘B.B.’

B.B. is a bear from a Shimkung(meaning heartthrob) Star where the sweet honey river runs. B.B.'s heart throbs when he finds sweet stuff, and he finds joys in sharing them. B.B. is a kind and gentle bear with loving and considerate heart.


Optimistic Lama

Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘Lamu’ Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘Lamu’

Lamu is a free spirted Lama from Lollo Star where he enjoyed YOLO life. He is always absorbed in music and daydreaming which often makes him fall down. But he always stays eternal optimist thinking that everything’s gonna be fine.


Broccoli Dreaming of Becoming a tree

Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘Kolly’ Four actions and facial expressions of KB Financial Group's character ‘Kolly’

Kolly, a broccoli from Melan Star, dreams of growing up like a big Tree. Kolly might look shy and blunt at first, but once you get to know him, you will find him warm-hearted and friendly. Rainy days make Kolly happy and smile.

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